Private Enterprise Scientific and Production Company " LAD " works in the field of plasma-vacuum technology for decorative coatings of various metals and metal nitride karboksidov on metal products, glass and ceramics.
NPF "LAD" offers a new lining material made of polished stainless steel coated with titanium nitride. According to its spectral-optical characteristics of titanium nitride coating close to the natural gold and has a high weather resistance and mechanical strength, durability, and much cheaper gold coating applied by leaf gilding.
Used in vacuum plasma coating processing methods provide good adhesion of coating to the substrate. Sheet to withstand bending without delamination washable coating, and may be used during forming. This makes it possible to use this material to perform roofing and cladding works.
The coating has a high thickness uniformity and evenness of the predetermined color on the entire surface of large-sized products.
High performance roofing, cladding material comply with regulations by TU 28.5-22800793-001-2004 Ukraine. Decorative and protective coatings retain their quality for over 50 years, as confirmed by a test of their effect on the industrial atmosphere, according to the certificate of conformity № ROSS UA.AYU31.NO7149.